Hey there! My name’s Reuben, and I founded Kids Get Cash! I’m a self-published author, full of entrepreneurial spirit and only 13! (I know that’s not the best photo of me, I plan to update it soon.)
I created Kids Get Cash to make it easier for children like me to make a little money in our free time. I know how difficult it is to just make £100 when you’re younger than 13. It takes months of hard work, and I want to change that. Kids should be able to make as much money as adults if they have the determination. So here’s your go-to resource to help you.
You can contact me at info@kidsgetcash.com if you have any questions or need some assistance. Please be patient, I usually only check the emails every few days (at least at the moment). If I do not reply within a few days, I might also just be on holiday (or working on something big!).